Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rants in the Pants

In this month's issue of Rolling Stone, they made their list of "100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time". Of course, with their list, Rolling Stone once again proves they know sweet fuck all about music.

How in the blue hell could Born to Run (or anything by Springstein, for that matter) place better than Freebird, Maggotbrain, Crazy Train, Little Wing, or Born Under a Bad Sign, on a list of guitar songs?

Also, the song Black Sabbath (which Springstein also placed higer than) was the only Sabbath on the entire list. No Paranoid? No Iron Man?

Smoke on the Water wasn't on the list at all, which irritates me in ways I can't even put to words right now.

At least Rolling Stone had a brief moment of clarity, and put some Link Wray on the list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am completely convinced that RS only makes these lists to piss people off. There's no way anyone could actually believe the stupid shit they say. Every list of their's EVER is total shit.