Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sometimes, I'm my own worst enemy.

A few Fridays back, I was at the bar doing my usual thing: karaoke and hanging with the guys, when this woman (a non-cougar, for those following at home) approaches me and asks if I want to dance.

Normally, I don't dance. But between the fact I was a little drunk, my friends were egging me on, and omg bewbs, I acquiesced.

We danced to some slow songs, and she kissed me on the cheek. I got her a drink and went back to her table to chat.

For a bright and shining moment, I am not some socially retarded malcontent and chronic fuck up. I'm smooth. I'm flattering and charming. I am Lothario in an Iggy Pop hat. Cyrano has nothing on me, save for a few inches of schnoz.

Did i mention that my romantic life is like a three stooges sketch? Case in point:

"I don't think I caught your name."

She giggles slightly. "My name is Candi. With an "I".

Uh oh.


Don't say it.

"You know..."

Brain to mouth: abort! Repeat, abort!

"That sounds like a stripper's name!"

Abandon ship! All hands, abandon shi...Foot, what the hell are you doing?!


Candy left shortly after that.


Unknown said...

Was that not an appropriate thing to say? It's nicer than what I would have said.

fett said...

You are my hero. In a sad way.