Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sheva spare me, for I am a simple beast.

Good news on the band front!

Jay, the guitarist from Shotgun Sodomy, has a recording project going he wants me to lay some vocals for. He's emailed me two tracks, and I dig them. Ideally, i'd like to find a live band as well, since the gig is what it's all about for me. However, this should at least keep me busy and not allow my writing abilities to atrophy.

As for the live band, I found a guitarist, and possibly a drummer. That's all you need to start jamming. More info as it becomes available.


The Taco Prophet said...

All hail Noq, for He art The Shit.

See? I told you all would be well.

Unknown said...

Permission to rub my junk on your inhuman throat muscles!