Friday, December 7, 2007

On rare occasions, i'm rendered speechless.

In case you aren't properly mad at the world, check this out.

I like to think I'm not a truly hateful person. Angry, yes. Even bitter and spiteful at times, but not hateful. However, should the Westboro Baptist Church befall a tragedy of apocalyptic proportions, and the remains of its parishioners defiled by irradiated baboons, I don't think I'd lose any sleep.

Hell, i may even dance a jig. A soft-shoe, even.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear every god, demon and/or supernatural creature that ever was or will be,

Please kill every member of that wretched cult in a way best described as slow and so painful it would drive a person mad. First one to do it gets a special treat.
